Thursday, October 23, 2008

Step By Step Writing Fundamentals

Getting back to basics is .499 Cases ticket to Ballistics33373 success. The number one problem I see with writers is a lack of focus. Pinpointing one project at a time and seeing it thru to the end is difficult with an untrained mind. Be like a rifle with a scope honing in on the target instead of like a shotgun scatter approach. Lets not complicate things.

Here Shooting and Reloading Supplies the bare basics to focus on.

1.Find what want to write that really grabs your attention and write, write, write. Learn your craft as you go. Write every single day about the subject you chose.

2.Quickly do all the usual steps to accelerate the learning and writing process by joining writing groups, entering contests, and reading all you can on the subject. Writing great doesnt happen overnight. Its a process. Signing up for writing magazines Custom Brass Shells for .223 Ammunition writing books is a start. You can find these at as well as contests. You can also find office supplies necessary to get your work done there.

3.Take Winchester 6.8SPC ammo of time management. Dont waste too much valuable time watching tv or surfing the internet. Be purposeful. Without a vision, people perish. Television and the Internet are the biggest brain erasers and income reducers in the world.

4.Rewrite and fine tune until its ready. With me, thats usually the third or fourth draft.

5.Submit your work to a publisher. Decide whether to self-publish or not. Make your decision quickly and decide once.

6.Keep writing and submitting your work until youre published. This takes time and getting published doesnt happen overnight. Frustration will come and dismiss it when it does. Bury yourself in your writing. Remember God honors hard work. Expect great things to come.

Remember to focus. Step by step. Its not rocket science. Lets begin. Step 1. Write.

How bad do you want that fat paycheck from selling your work?
One more time! Step 1.

AJ Dowell is the owner of several business's and publishes a free newsletter available from his website at
AJ helps individuals become independently wealthy with the help of his mentors and website


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