Monday, October 27, 2008

Successful Second Chance Foundation Benefit Raised Funds For Organ Donation

According to Robert Mirisch, Executive Director of 5.56 Ammo Second Chance Foundation, their recent fundraiser was Silver State Ammunition success held at The Palms Casino Hotel Arms85410 the Brendon Theaters Hotel in Las Vegas.

We raised a substantial amount of money for the Foundation at our benefit which featured a screening of the classic comedy Some Like It Hot, states Mirisch.

The Second Chance Foundation is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2004 with the mission to educate the public on the critical need of organ and tissue donation, dispel some misconceptions about donation and create a greater willingness to Combat12804

Tony Curtis, star of Some Like It Hot with Marilyn Monroe and Jack Lemmon, donated several pieces of art towards the silent auction conducted during the benefit. The donated pieces are montages of Tony Curtis, Marilyn Monroe and Jack Lemmon frangible bullets for law enforcement the movie Some Like It Hot.

Art has given me a second chance to express myself. I sincerely hope that funds received from my art will give somebody else the far more significant second chance, that being a better quality of life, states Tony Curtis.

After the screening of Some Like It Hot there was a question and answer session with Dean Jeff Koep, Dean of the UNLV School of Fine Arts, and Walter Mirisch, executive of the Production Company which produced the film.

Tony Curtis was not able to attend the event, but has subsequently arranged to meet some of the silent auction winners.

We offer limited grants through our Patient Services Program to patients who find themselves in financial need in relation to organ donation. We exist to help patients who are in need of an organ transplant, on a transplant waiting list or are post-transplant, continues Mirisch.

It would have been considered science rifle ammunition and brass cases six decades ago. Now people think of it as "routine". To me it will never be routine. It is the culmination of many miracles being rolled into one miracle that gives suffering patients a Second Chance at life. It is the reason for the name of the Second Chance Foundation and it is the mission of this foundation to make the "Gift of Life" more available to those waiting for it and to make the healing process easier by easing some of the stress (physical, emotional, educational and financial) that those waiting for an organ experience.

The Jewish Torah tells us "To save a single life is to save the world." Can we do any better than that? concludes Mirisch.

Keith Hunt

Something All Americans Can Give to Victims and Heroes of 9/11

President Roosevelts speech about the a day that Frangible Armor Piercing Ammo live in infamy was the rallying cry for millions of Americans all throughout the dark years that followed the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Following that speech America gave until it hurt. She gave her sons, her wealth, her prayers and her resolve. Has 9/11 produced Arms85410 rallying cry and if so what can we give now?

What Americans can give to the victims and heroes of 9/11 is not all that different than what they gave after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941. The nature of the offense to America is so radically different than it was on those who perished at Pearl Harbor that it requires a great deal more careful thought and discernment. The enemy that caused the events of 9/11 is positioned throughout the world and in the most cowardly way remains largely in hiding. They are empowered by hatred and the perverted notion that they are killing others for God. Cowardice and hiding has not made them any less a formidable enemy, in fact they have actually become a far more deadly enemy.

President Roosevelt was also known for saying there is nothing to fear but fear itself. Enter the modern terrorist. Fear is their stock in trade. America must walk constantly looking over its shoulder and glancing suspiciously into the eye of every stranger who is dressed differently or speaks an unfamiliar language. That fear spawns yet another fear that maybe measures taken to deal with the first fear may go too far and extremes by our own countrymen will bring dangers yet unseen. All this fear is 5.56 Ammo as deadly as nuclear fallout or the effects of a biological weapon. It strikes the heart the mind and indeed the very soul of America.

Although immorality, self indulgence and liberalism has assaulted America in this generation there is little doubt that enough brave, selfless and level headed Americans are left to rally. While across the rallying line the voices of the naysayers can be heard bellowing their objections and disapproval at least it is in a language we understand. While they are practicing their right to free expression we can be relatively sure that they wont use guns and bombs to make their point. The anti-war crowd is not likely to start a war. In the unlikely event that they do start a Silver State Custom Brass Cases it couldnt last very long, remember they are anti-war.

One of the first things America could start giving to the effort against terrorists is to show a little patience. When Boston was in the thick of the biggest excavation in American history, The Big Dig the city was torn up and all normal routes of travel were detoured, blocked or changed. An entire highway was being built under the city that left Bostonians wishing it would just cave in so they could get back to normal. Just outside one of its underground entrances near the center of Boston was a sign that read, Rome wasnt built in a day, if it were we would have hired their contractors, please be patient.

The policies and actions taken to defeat terrorism will not be built in a day but they are being built. Bush bashing, anti war rallying and complaining about airport security checks are symptomatic of a country in too much of a rush and pathologically self absorbed. Those are the conditions that terrorist counted on in the past to make their moves.

America could also give a great deal more care and respect to our soldiers especially those already fighting or providing support for those who are in the field. Nothing could be more demoralizing than a wishy washy American public to the psyche of a soldier in harms way. Whether you believe in the war is not nearly important as whether you believe in the soldier. 5.56 brass cases and ammo we equip our soldiers with the finest state of the art electronics and weaponry in the world and then bicker, debate and dissimulate about the war he or she is fighting we are essentially tying a ball and chain around a streamlined warrior. These are our sons, brothers, sisters, daughters, classmates, fellow workers, neighbors and citizensgive them a break. Dont mess with their courage, their faith or their resolve; it is their greatest source of strength.

Finally we could all try to retain at least a fair modicum of dignity. Hollywood, the movies, the music industry and the media in general are pouring out trash in volume all under the guise of giving people what they want. Most people that have a measure of self respect left still dont want our nation to be compared to or reduced to the level of a bunch of dogs in heat. Having fun is not a lifes calling or a part of the quest for the Holy Grail.

Unrest around the world, recent memories of 9/11 and the American penchant for faith in God and adherence to the teachings of the Bible have produced another concern for some people. It could be called the 5/5 watch. That is that at five years past 9/11 it looks like we are just five minutes from twelve on the prophetic Frangible Armor Piercing Ammo It is hard to argue with this idea and when our nation collectively enters into a denial about it, that in itself is yet another sign of its approach. The portent of Armageddon and the second coming of Christ have attached to them two main elements. The first is that many warnings will be sounded by ministries, ministers, prophets and Christians in general. The other unsettling promise about those events is that not many people will take heed to the voices of those doing the warning.

The Apostle Peter put it this way. Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 2Peter 3:3-4 KJV

Rev Bresciani is a graduate of Delgado College and Union Seminary of New Orleans. He is the author of two Christian books. He is also a contributing author for several online news and commentary sites. Please visit